Monday 26 January 2009

The Puppets in Place Ready for Euro

With the addition of Kenneth Clarke to the front bench of the Conservative Party recently announced, we now have in both him and Mandelson in New Labour two very important figures who will in my opinion strongly influence our integration into the Euro.
The addition of Clarke has taken many by surprise, as he is at odds with much of modern Tory thinking, a he has obviously been placed in order to do his masters bidding. With the continuing decimation of Sterling, the plan has been laid for our friends in Brussels to come to our aid as a knight in shining armour, once our own currency has been driven into the ground by those manipulating the money markets in order to persue their agenda. As a consequence, further power over our currency and with it financial independence, will be lost to the EU. The political joke that is our two party system is their for all to see, as both sides follow the agenda dictated to by Brussels, to the detriment of our great nation. Never has there been the need for new thinking that defends
Britain's interests against those of the EU, whose continued undermining of our great nation will not, and should not, be tolerated!.


  1. We don't need them to come to our aid, we can come to our own aid by handing back the power to create money to the nation of Britain.
    Our history is one of seafaring and so we must turn back to the Commonwealth, an organic grouping of nations, not some artificial arrangement for the benefit of high finance. Commonwealth nations that have forged close links to other major players on the world scene however must be ignored. The Commonwealth Bloc must be a vehicle for managed trade, particularly with Africa. I dream that one day other European countries might choose our Commonwealth over the EU for membership. A better totem the British monarch than the bankers of Frankfurt.

  2. We haven't had financial independence since the power to create money was sneakily removed from the British sovereign and given to bankers- that happened a long time ago.
