Sunday 1 February 2009

Integralism Supports British Workers!

It is fascinating to see Brown and Mandelson squirming at the actions of the striking fuel workers in the North East and Scotland. This is because the issue highlights the very core of the Pro-EU lobby, the interests of big business as opposed to those of the British Nation. The striking workers, and the large community support they have recieved is a massive embarrassment to New Labour, as they couldn't highlight more strongly the contradictions between being Pro-European Union as opposed to supporting our own British workers.
Mandelson of course, was very quick to attack the actions, which is no surprise. He stated that British workers had the right to compete in Europe for contracts, and the EU supported their right to do so. Of course Mandelson supports our skilled workers going abroad as his whole agenda is to fragment Britain as a Nation, with all of the subsequent ills that are related to unemployment; poverty, dispair, anger and hoplessness left in our fragmented Nation. For a divided Nation can easily turn on itself, through crime, drugs and racism. This however lets the traitors who are selling our great Nation off the hook.
One cannot blame the foreign workers from Portugal and Spain who have been recruited by Total Oil, and have had the initiative to travel abroad for work. They too should have decent jobs in their own countries.
The enemy is the multi-nationals that owe no allegiance to the nations in which they operate, their loyalty is to their profits, if it is detrimental to Britain, so be it.
This should never be acceptable to the citizens of Britain. Our skilled workers deserve better than to be made to compete for the crumbs from the table of such companies!.
The Integralist Party seeks a skilled, educated and cohesive society. Our nation's future must be our skilled workers, and the communities in which they live, and in which the next generation of British Citizens shall be raised.
As Integralists, we recognise the total moral and social destruction that happens within society, when the market is left to do it's will. The global banking crisis shows where the interests of the banking fraternity lie, and indeed their competence for the responsible role that they play has been found totally wanting. The sum result of all of this farce is the British tax-payer will be bailing these failed institutions for many decades to come! This is not right!

Under an Integralist Government society will be organised to function in the interests of all of our great Nation!
Under an Integralist Government individualism will be replaced by responsible citizens' who seek to build a better society, a moral society built around Unity of Nation.
Under Integralism you will not ask "What will society do for me?" but "How can I serve my Nation?".
A respectful Nation will replace the current anarchy we are living in!
Our children will be educated and disciplined to serve the Nation, and not be seen as a "commodity" to be exploited by big business!

Under Integralism we would support and value our skilled workers!
Under Integralism we would ensure our Armed Forces recieve the best training and equiptment!
Under Integralism everything in Britains interest..... nothing against it!


  1. Down with the pernicious nonsense that is free trade and the bunch of bankers that feed of it.

  2. Everything stated in this essay is spot on.
