Saturday 14 March 2009

Towards an Integralist Britain

So another week goes by, a week in which our brave forces having returned from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan are met with Islamacist protests in Luton. I for one, cannot emphasise how disgusting the spectacle of these brave soldiers being baited and abused by these Islamic Fundamentalists was, but the really disgusting part of it being how they were protected by the Police!. Had the "boot been on the other foot" and it had been Islamacists being harrangued by a Nationalist Group, there would soon have been the cries of "Racists" with the Nationalists being dispersed or arrested!.
It beggars belief how this insulting "demonstration" was allowed to go ahead by the Police, but is no surprise knowing the shackles placed upon our Police Force by the "Politically Correct Brigade", so keen to protect those who hate everything western, and who would destroy our whole civilisation and impose their own vile and backward fundamentalist society.

It is no surprise though that Islamacist Groups such as this are encouraged by New Labour, and it is not about just the opportunistic pandering to the asian voters, it is about supporting the fragmentation of our Nation by those in power who realise a fragmented and alienated society is easier to preside over. This promotion first formulated by Marxists of the Frankfurt School, seeks to undermine everything they define as "bourgois" such as pride in Nation, respect for our indiginous culture and customs and indeed to belittle and undermine these at every opportunity.
Hence the importance to the far-left in undermining our education system for their ideological onslaught of Marxist ideals and dogma!.

How disgusting that the people in positions of power are actively seeking to undermine our great Nation!

As Integralists, our understanding and belief that the Nation is the most natural expression of society, and an ordered Nation is to the benefit of all of our decent citizens!

Integralism also understands the importance of loyalty to our Nation, and would never ever allow the disgusting spectacle that we witnessed in Luton earlier this week take place!

For as Integralists our task is to unite our Nation, to support our citizens, to support our pensioners to fund and equip our armed forces and properly fund our healthcare and education system.

As well as this, we recognise and respect our natural environment, and seek an ordered and moral and respectful society, one in which our citizens can walk the streets in safety, without fear of crime, and one in which everyone contributes towards the good of our Nation!

Under Integralism we seek to unite our Nation, whilst doing so, we recognise our Nation's enemies and would not tolerate them!


  1. Indeed a disgusting spectacle, a simple message to them -Love Britain or leave!
    Why though are our brave troops having to fight other peoples wars? Afghanistan is not even in the Commonwealth!

  2. I couldn't agree more Francis! why should a single British life be sacrificed in this backward nation that has nothing to do with Britain's destiny?
