Wednesday 25 March 2009

Control of Britain's Destiny

Upon reading today's newspapers and the news that the Bank of England is informing the Government of Gordon Brown that there is no more money to pump into the British economy, many questions will be raised by this situation. Firstly how can a Government be so out of touch regarding it's financial policies? who indeed is in control of Britain's finances? in whose interests do they serve? the nation's or there own? and ultimately what is the answer to mastering our financial destiny?. Mervyn King the Governor of the Bank of England is advising against more borrowing in order to provide a second "stimulus" to the British Economy. Whilst Brown's answer is to align himself with President Obama and push for further borrowing combined with tax cuts putting our nation further into debt for future generations. The coming G20 summit will see big divisions as to how to proceed, with protectionism being a big bone of contention with nations such as China and Japan vehemently opposed to such measures, due to their exporting capacity.

We must never forget that control of the nation's finance is ultimately out of governments control, with the real control weilded by International Finance. The same can be said for the Bank of England still controlled by the likes of the Rothschild's as is the Federal Reserve in the US. As a consequence Britains destiny is still controlled by International Finance who have no loyalty to our nation and as a consequence end up dictating our economic policy to the detriment of our own citizens!.

Both arguments currently taking place in the financial fraternity have the interest of saving world capitalism, not of empowering our nation for the benefit of our citizens and society!
the consequences of this is we are dictated to by the World Bank, the EU, and the Bank of England all of whom act and are controlled by interests other than Britains!

There would surely be the need under Integralism to force the Bank of England to truely serve the interests of our nation and government, and it would surely be re-nationalised to serve the nation and not International Finance as it does at present!

International Finance has bought nothing but instability to our nation, a transient population combined with decimation of traditional industries such as steel production and engineering to the far-east where labour is cheaper and unorganised, how and indeed why should skilled British Workers have to seek work abroad when in reality there is the need for such production to be based in Britain? this is where Free Market Capitalism serves a different master than the nation, and serves to undermine the strength and cohesion of Britain!.

This fragmentation is borne of the concious policy of Multi-Culturalism in order to weaken, divide and ultimately plunder the strenth of a nation, and replace it with a broken, dysfunctional Britain. Why should International Capital care, for this makes labour cheaper and serves there needs to make more profit, whatever the consequences to British Society! This is wrong!!

Integralist Britain will be united by the will to serve the Integralist State! the interests and values of our citizens will in turn be protected and enhanced by the Integralist State!
Forged in the history of our past, combined with our vison for the future, we will win!


  1. A good post, I like your blog and I am glad I finally have the time to fully appriciate it. I am sorry it has taken me this long. While we have a consensus on the problem how do you feel about the solution? what are your thoughts on our economic policy?

  2. The economic position of the Party based upon the Corporate State is the most efficient way of organising the nation economically. Whilst the free market will initially be maintained, it is my belief that the free market has caused many of the problems of modern-day Britain. The development of bigger and bigger economic power blocs will see a rise in the fascistic nature of countries such as Russia, China and japan.
    Who would have thought the USA would have bailed out so many of their own financial institutions? the very fact that they have been driven to do this highlights the total inefficiency of the free-market to serve society and indeed to regulate itself!.

    This situation highlights the fact that International Finance is self-serving, with it's own interest in accruing profit whilst ignoring the needs of people and nation!.

    Corporative leadership will be paramount under Integralism. The interests of the nation must be paramount, whilst under the free-market the only goal is to produce quantity for sale on the market, Integralism is concerned for the actual use and quality of what is produced, the conditions of the labour force manufacturing goods and their subsequent effect upon the health and environment of our nation.

    We must also in my opinion seek to find other methods of trading outside of the free-market shackles of International Finance.

    Africa in particular has for too long been both exploited and patronised by western Multi-Nationals. The vast majority of Africans being subjugated by puppet governments who do nothing for their own creed. Integralism could seek to exchange goods and scientific knowledge in exchange for raw materials and minerals that are in rich abundance in Africa. It is an absurdity in my opinion that Africa is exporting cash-crops when it cannot feed it's own people!.

    Africa has been kept in this way by the control of their economies by International Finance, and we would have to look at ways of circumventing this economic stranglehold in ways that would be mutually beneficial to all parties involved.

    As mentioned before, trading blocs are becoming bigger, the policies persued by the New Labour Government are deliberately being driven in order to bankrupt our economy in order for the saviour in the form of the EEC to come to our aid, that will mean the end of sterling and all semblance of monetary independence from Brussels.

    Economic independence must be our goal, for it is a sick joke that billions of pounds of tax-payer's money is being paid out to Banking Institutions who through their own greed and incompetence have incurred such enormous losses as to threaten their own existence!.

    International Finance must be subordinate to the state, and the greed of it's directors and shareholders would be a thing of the past.

    Trade agreements with like-minded governments could be ratified by-passing the need for the involvement of International Finance, which so very often seeks to influence the policies of poorer governments at the expense of their population. The issueing and control of government money supply and bonds would be entirely taken back into control of Integralist government.

    Our Integralist priorities must be in the building of a prosperous society, that prosperity measured in the nation's health, virtue and character of it's citizens not in bankers bonds!

  3. Thank you for that response and indeed spot on, the problem identified here is something that we can all relate too. I was what were your thoughts on current Integralist economic policies? There are not very many others to collaborate on this issue. While we share a common understanding of the problem and how I may be solved, the real challenge is determining a rational solution, and doing that entails really understanding the problem. What we must understand is our contempary critics of the current economic system on the far left and far right (who seem to hog this entire debate) are wrong in their solution. The far let for obvious reasons, state socialism has been tried to death and does not work, command economies can never have the reliable information and bureaucratic speed possessed by the free market mechanism so is unworkable. Not to mention to own property and a livelihood provides people with security, happiness and incentive to work. Leftists are idiots, but so to are our adversaries on the right; free market libertarians. What we in the Integralist party are committed to is a radical third way economic policy.

    We are posed with the following contradictory economic outlook; a stable economy of prosperous, happy people has to have both maximum economic freedom and fixed sets of regulated conditions. Profit incentive, maximum economic freedom, rule of law that assures property rights, the ability of single firms to act on initiative is paramount to the success of economical agents, however the economy as a whole can only reach its potential if there is at least the minimum number of firms in the market (to ensure they are price takers), assured maximum ease for new firms to enter the market, businesses need to all be connected to one another as efficiently as possible, and business requires regulation to act responsibly.

    To have all these in free market capitalism is unsustainable and impossible in the long term because economic agents will eventually become powerful enough to gain control over government and market itself. The result of this is proponents of free market capitalism and state socialism end up with a systems of monopoly which cannot sustain any system, capitalist or socialist. The current system purported by Labourites is a strange conciliation of these two sides in such a way few of the essential requirements for prosperity are met: businesses is given the freedom to endanger the livelihood of this country and expect to be bailed out for it, whilst the monopolies of international finance have robbed the great mass of the people the basic right to own their own livelihood. Finance rules so the people cannot. So yes removing it is paramount but it is not to be confused with private ownership itself.

    The corporate state is the mot effective form of governing an economy because it is so flexible, it can have as much or little power as required, it can all be privately owned or (forbid) state owned, it can consist of a mixed economy or a syndical one, either way it will naturally fold into the most efficient ratio for the needs of a given country. Most importantly it can be applied to deal objectively with problems free markets cannot. The financial crisis is as bad as it is for one reason, free markets cannot maintain themselves; economic agents are too large and economical agents are not monitored. The corporate state is an industrial democracy, it has transparency and is run by the best technical experts at the nations disposal; dealings between economic agents as they happen can be analysed and with full view of the whole market can judge all repercussions. Secondly the corporate state provides a means of redistributing property fairly; large firms will be bought by the corporation (paid in state bonds) and broken up; each branch leased/morgaged to a new owner. When crisis hits it will affect less branches, thus less of the economy, the corporate state will also be able to shut down agents that exhibit long term decline painlessly. The corporate state can also embark on huge firm creation programmes where the free market has not (i.e. family farms).

    So really the corporate state is the only form of free market possible (depending on what your definition of ‘free’ encompasses the freedom to take the freedom of others as is the current system). The right speak a lot about ‘freedom’, but we are an overpopulated nation with scarce resources, so if property ownership is to be a fundamental right it must be distributed in an organised fashion. The corporate state provides this making it the most efficient economic system possible. Responding to long term changes in the international economy is essential if Britain is to survive. The corporate state can provide incentive and programs before the existence of huge demands. Food will be the next crisis; the rise of bio fuels and the tendency of third world countries to limit exports to feed exploding populations means that Britain will have to double its agricultural sector to even be in with a chance I maintaining the current standard of life. Free markets can only respond to existing demand and will not be able to pre-empt the massive shift in global economics.

    You raise a good point about the there is a very warped understanding of what constitutes the fulfilled needs of a ‘citizen’. Aside from the fact everyone leaves out all needs that are not purely material, material goods themselves are priced according to utility. For instance people ill pt thousands of pounds for Japanese electrical goods simply because they are prepared to pay that figure, the good in reality costs a mere fraction of its price tag to make. Similarly British people are cheated out of the best goods they deserve because they are too expensive to make, even if it is long term cost effective (reference to throw away culture.). Pricing is also no doubt warped by a culture whose core value is that is has no values, there are only material values of taste, branding and fashion which serve little practicality. Everyone in society is geared to buy decadent overpriced luxury goods. Britain has the second largest personal debt in the world because of people spending money they have on things they don’t need which can be bought and sold under a corporate home economy for a fraction of the price.

    The corporate economic system has been untested and untried, and will certainly not come about in any nation naturally where international finance rules. International finance lives in the moment and would willingly allow itself to be controlled and dismantled in the way we proposed. I doubt very much such an economic system could come about in Russia, china, or Japan, despite the fact their economies and societies would be well suited to it. To expect big business to act in the national interest without something in return would require a few fingers to be broken.

    I hope this has been helpful

  4. When promoting the Corporate State as the best economic vehicle for the advance of Britain, the factor that must always be paramount in my opinion, is the value of this system to the state and indeed citizens. Our aim is to promote a dynamic economy in which through the efforts and skills of the Integralist Citizen, the whole of society is the beneficiary.

    We would therefore need to synthesise the best factors of capitalism ie it's dynamism, and constant need for progression driven by competition and response to markets, and alongside this, parts of the syndicalist elements regarding the utilisation and involvement of the best brains and skills in their relevant industries, working within their respective corporations.

    Whilst innovation and development would be encouraged and indeed driven by the relative corporations, accountability to the state would always be paramount as the state must by the arbiter in the interests of our citizens.

    We must never forget the guilds or corporative state serves the citizens and not the other way around, therefore there would always need to be both dialogue with the citzens and accountability with regards to what is produced and the quality and price of such goods.

    I cannot agree regarding that International Finance would willingly allow itself to be dismantled in this way without all sorts of scheming and machinations behind the scenes for their profits would be threatened and alongside this their ideological dominance as well.

    I am of the belief that accountability is the key. The guilds or corporations accountable to the workers within their industries in the provision of modern, safe and profitable environments in which they work. There must also be the maximum involvement of utilising the skills and ideas of the workers in their relevant industries for further development of future projects etc.

    In return the worker's application and motivation in producing the best products within their relevant corporations will be achieved.

    Alongside this the corporations duty to produce consistent quality products efficiently and fairly priced, also to be innovative and responsive to the requirements of our citizens.

    Finally and most importantly for the Integralist State to oversee, guide and intervene when necessary the development of our industries within the Corporate State, ensuring it is fluid, dynamic and responsive to the needs, and of benefit to our citizens.
